Daniel Teasdale

  • 5' 10¾" / 180cm
  • 39¼" / 100cm
  • 85cm
  • 88cm
  • 30-32
  • Dark Brown
  • Hazel





Featured Model (2025 Campaign)

Optique Eyewear



Designer Mens Clothing



Pattysmiths Burgers



Melbourne Polytechnic

Melbourne Polytechnic



Running Warehouse Australia



Moonee Valley Racing Club

TV Show



Bit Part Nurse

The 100 with Andy Lee





John Foreman's NYE Gala



John Foreman's NYE Gala



John Foreman's NYE Gala




Hero Features Actor

Chemist Warehouse Aus TVC


Featured Talent

Chemist Warehouse NZ


Featured Extra

Sportsbet Grand prix TVC


Featured Extra

Sportsbet World Cup




Young Russel Crowe body double

Sleeping Dogs


Police Officer

Sleeping Dogs

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            [1] => Array
                    [id] => 52487
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                    [year] => 2024
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            [3] => Array
                    [id] => 52493
                    [model_id] => 573359
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                    [type] => Dance

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                    [id] => 52483
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            [8] => Array
                    [id] => 52480
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                    [type] => Commercial

            [12] => Array
                    [id] => 52486
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                    [year] => 2022
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                    [director] => 
                    [role] => Model
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                    [type] => Modelling

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                    [id] => 52485
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            [14] => Array
                    [id] => 52481
                    [model_id] => 573359
                    [year] => 2022
                    [model_resume_type_id] => 4683
                    [production] => Melbourne Polytechnic
                    [company] => Melbourne Polytechnic
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                    [role] => Model 
                    [note] => 
                    [territories] => 
                    [url] => 
                    [sort_order] => 
                    [type] => Modelling

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                    [id] => 52491
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