What states do you operate in?
We operate Australia-wide although with work restrictions in many states, our primary work is in Melbourne and Sydney. If you are outside VIC and NSW, you can still apply and will explain to you the other options that might suit you!
Is there a cost to join JustKHOO?
We do not charge an application fee with JustKHOO. Once you have been successful in gaining representation with JustKHOO there will be costs associated with the creation of composite cards for you as a talent, digital portfolio and to be listed on the website as a talent. These will be discussed in your interview if successful.
Do you have a height restriction?
At JustKHOO we do not have a height restriction. We are an agency that embraces individuals who are all different heights, sizes and ethnicities. Although within the industry sectors there are height requirements that can restrict you from certain opportunities.
Can JustKHOO guarantee me work?
At JustKHOO We are all about finding unique, personable, fun individuals who we see a great fit not only for us as an agency but the industry clients we deal with everyday. Although, we cannot guarantee any talent work. We ask that you as a talent try to be readily available for castings, updating your portfolio images constantly, keeping your digital portfolio up to date with any changes that occur and that you are responsive to our team at JustKHOO. This will give you a great chance at securing opportunities given by the agency.